
  1. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo: in progress.
  2. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte:  in progress.
  3. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte:  in progress.
  4. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo: Upscaled equations for the fokker–planck diffusion through arrays of permeable and of impermeable inclusions. Submitted (2024).
  5. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Concentration and homogenization in composites with total flux interface conditions. Submitted (2024).

Pubblicazioni su riviste

  1. M.Amar: G-convergence of quasi-linear ordinary differential operators of   monotone type. – Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, sez. VII, Sc. Mat.,   vol. XXXVI, (1990), pp. 113-141.
  2. M.Amar, T.Norando: On the Green's function for parabolic equation in non-divergence form. – Bollettino U.M.I., vol. (7) 6-B, (1992), pp. 703-731. 
  3. M.Amar, V.De Cicco: The uniqueness as a generic property of the image segmentation problem. – Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Università  di Padova, vol. 88, (1992), pp. 151--173.
  4. M.Amar, A.Cellina: On passing to the limit for non convex variational problems. - Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 9, (1994), pp. 135-148.
  5. M.Amar, V.De Cicco: Relaxation for quasi-convex integrals of arbitrary order. - Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 124-A, (1994), pp. 927-946.
  6. M.Amar, G.Bellettini: A notion of total variation depending on a metric with discontinuous coefficients. – Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincaré, Analyse Non Linéaire, vol. (1) 11, (1994), pp. 91-133.
  7. M.Amar, C.Mariconda: A non-convex variational problem with constraints. - S.I.A.M  J. Control and Optimization, vol. (1) 33, (1995), pp. 299-307.
  8. M.Amar, G.Bellettini: Approximation by G-convergence of a total variation with discontinuous coefficients. - Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 10, (1995), pp. 1-19.
  9. M.Amar, G.Bellettini: A total variation with discontinuous coefficients: variational properties and approximation by G-convergence. - Proceedings del convegno “Nonlinear analysis-Calculus of variations”, Perugia, Maggio 1993; atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, vol. XLIII (1995), pp. 431-435.
  10. M.Amar, A.Cellina, C.Mariconda: Some non-convex variational problems. - Proceedings del convegno “Nonlinear analysis-Calculus of variations”, Perugia, Maggio 1993, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, vol. XLIII (1995), pp. 437-442.
  11. M.Amar, A.Braides: A characterization of variational convergence for segmentation problems. - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. (3) 1, (1995), pp. 347-369.
  12. M.Amar: Integral representation of functionals defined on curves of W1,1loc(R). - Bollettino U.M.I., vol. (7) 10-B, (1996), pp.359-380.
  13. M.Amar, G.Bellettini, S.Venturini: Integral representation of functionals defined on curves of W1,p. - Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 128 A,  (1998), pp. 193-217.
  14. M.Amar, E.Vitali: Homogenization of periodic Riemannian metrics. - J. Convex Analysis, Vol. (1) 5, (1998), pp. 171-186.
  15. M.Amar, A.Braides: G-convergence of non-convex functionals defined on measures. - Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 34, (1998), pp. 953-978.
  16. M.Amar: Two-scale convergence and homogenization on BV(W). - Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 16, (1998), pp. 65-84.
  17. G.Allaire, M.Amar: Boundary layer tails in periodic homogenization. - ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, vol. 4, (1999), pp. 209-243.
  18. M.Amar, M.Tarallo, S.Terracini: On the exponential decay for boundary layer problems. - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 328, série I, (1999) pp. 1139-1144.
  19. M.Amar: A note on boudary layer effects in periodic homogenization with Dirichlet boundary conditions. - Discrete and continuous dynamical systems, vol. (6) 3,(2000), pp. 537-556.
  20. M.Amar, R.Gianni: Almost-periodic solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations in unbounded domains. - Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 132 A, (2002), pp. 1275-1306.
  21. M.Amar, A.Garroni: G-convergence of concentration problems. - Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. (1)II, Serie V, (2003), pp.151-179.
  22. M.Amar, L. Berrone, R.Gianni: Asymptotic expansions for membranes subjected to a lifting force in a part of their boundary. – Asympotitc Analysis, vol. 36, (2003), pp. 319-343.
  23. M.Amar, R.Gianni:  Effective saturation for composite porous media. – Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur., Serie IX, Vol. XIV (4), (2003), PP. 297-305.
  24. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni:  Homogenization limit for electrical conduction in biological tissues in the radiofrequency range. - C.R. Mecanique, vol. 331, (2003), pp. 503-508.
  25. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: Evolution and memory effects in the homogenization limit for electrical conduction in biological tissues. - M3AS, Vol. 14(9), (2004), pp. 1261-1295.
  26. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: An elliptic equation with history. – C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 338, (2004), pp. 595-598.
  27. M.Amar, A.Dall'Aglio, F.Paronetto:  Homogenization of forward-backward parabolic equations. - Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 42(1,2), (2005), pp. 123-132.
  28. M.Amar, A.Dall'Aglio, F.Paronetto:  Homogenization of changing-type evolution  equations.Convex Analysis, Vol. 12, (2005), No. 1, pp. 221-237.
  29. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: Existence and uniqueness for an elliptic problem with evolution arising in electrodynamics. – Nonlinear Analysis: RealWorld Applications, Vol. 6, (2005), pp. 367-380.
  30. M.Amar, V.De Cicco: A new approximation result for BV-functions. - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris., Ser. I 340, (2005), pp. 735-738.
  31. M. Amar, R. Gianni: A brief survey on homogenization with a physical application. - MAT - Serie A, Rosario, #9 (2005).
  32. M.Amar, V.De Cicco: Quasy-polyedral approximation of $BV$-functions. - Ricerche di matematica, Vol. LIV, 2, (2005), pp. 485-490.
  33. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: On a hierarchy of models for electrical conduction in biological tissues. - M2AS, Vol. 29, (2006), pp. 767-787.
  34. M.Amar, V.De Cicco, N.Fusco: A relaxation result in BV for integral functionals with discontinuous integrand. - ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 13 (2), (2007), pp. 396-412.
  35. M.Amar, V.De Cicco: Relaxation in BV for a class of functionals without continuity assumptions. - NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., Vol. 15, (2008), pp. 25-44.
  36. M.Amar, V.De Cicco, N.Fusco: Lower semicontinuity and relaxation results in BV for integral functionals with BV integrands. - ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, Vol. 14, (2008), pp. 456-477.
  37. M.Amar, V.De Cicco, P.Marcellini, E.Mascolo: Weak lower semicontinuity for non coercive polyconvex integrals. -Advances in Calculus of Variations, Vol. 1 (2), (2008), pp. 171-191.
  38. M.Amar, L.R. Berrone, R.Gianni: A non local quantitative characterization of ellipses leading to a solvable differential relation. J. Inequal. in Pure & Appl. Math. Vol. 9 (4), (2008), art. 94, 14pp.
  39. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: Stability and memory effects in a homogenized model governing the electrical conduction in biological tissues. - Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 4 (2), (2009), pp. 211-223.
  40. M.Amar, G.Crasta, A.Malusa: On the Finsler metric obtained as limits of chessboard structures. - Advances in Calculus of Variations, Vol. 2, (2009), pp. 321-360.
  41. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: Exponential asymptotic stability for an elliptic equation with memory arising in electrical conduction. Euro. Jnl. of Applied Mathematics Vol. 20, (2009), pp.431-459.
  42. M.Amar, V.De Cicco, N.Fusco: Lower semicontinuity results for free continuity energies. M3AS, Vol. (5) 20,  (2010), pp. 707-730.
  43. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: Homogenization limit and asymptotic decay for electrical conduction in biological tissues in the high radiofrequency range. - Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. (5) 9, (2010), pp. 1131-1160.
  44. Micol Amar, Daniele Andreucci, Paolo Bisegna, Roberto Gianni:  Electrical conduction in biological tissues: homogenization techniques and asymptotic decay for linear and nonlinear problems.  -  SIMULTECH 2013 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Reykjavik (Iceland) 29-31 Luglio 2013, pp. 96-703.
  45. M.Amar, M. Chiricotto, L. Giacomelli, G. Riey: Mass-constrained minimization of a one-homogeneous functional arising in strain-gradient plasticity. - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 397,  (2013), pp. 381-401.
  46. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, P.Bisegna, R.Gianni: A hierarchy of models for the electrical conductions in biological tissues via two-scale convergence: the nonlinear case. - Differential and Integral Equations, Vol. (9-10) 26, (2013), pp. 885-912.
  47. M. Amar, V. De Cicco: Lower semicontinuity for polyconvex integrals without coercivity assumptions. - Evolution Equations and Control Theory Vol. (3) 3, (2014), pp. 363-372.
  48. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, R.Gianni: Exponential decay for a nonlinear model for electrical conduction in biological tissues. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 131, (2016), pp. 206-228.
  49. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, R.Gianni: Asymptotic decay under nonlinear and noncoercive dissipative effects for electrical conduction in biological tissues. - NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., Vol. (4) 23, (2016), pp. 23-48.
  50. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, D. Bellaveglia: Homogenization of an alternating Robin-Neumann boundary condition via time-periodic unfolding. - Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 153, (2017), pp. 56--77.
  51. M.Amar, D.Andreucci, D. Bellaveglia: The time-periodic unfolding operator and applications to parabolic homogenization. - Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. Vol. 28, (2017), pp. 663-700.
  52. M.Amar, R.Gianni: Laplace-Beltrami operator for the heat conduction in polymer coating of electronic devices. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System B Vol. (4) 23 (2018), pp. 1739-1756.
  53. M.Amar, R.Gianni: Error estimate for a homogenization problem involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator.  Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems Vol. (1) 6 (2018), pp. 41-59.
  54. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, R. Gianni, C. Timofte: A degenerate pseudo-parabolic equation with memory. Comm. Appl. Ind. Math. (1) 10 (2019), pp. 53-59.
  55. M.Amar, R.Gianni: Existence, uniqueness and concentration for a system of PDEs involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Interface and Free Boundaries Vol. 21 (2019), pp. 41-59.
  56. M.Amar, R.Gianni: Existence and uniqueness for a two-scale system involving tangential operators. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. (2019), Vol. (3) 30 (2019), pp. 635-647.
  57. M. Amar, I. de Bonis, G. Riey: Homogenization of elliptic problems involving interfaces and singular data. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 189 (2019) 111562. Corrigendum to ``Homogenization of elliptic problems involving interfaces and singular data". Nonlinear Analysis 203 (2021) 112192.
  58. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, R. Gianni, C. Timofte: Homogenization results for a class of parabolic equations with a non-local interface condition via time-periodic unfolding. NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., 26:52 (2019).
  59. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, R. Gianni, C. Timofte: Homogenization of a heat conduction problem with a total flux boundary condition. ``24th Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AIMETA 2019; Rome" - Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer (2020), pp. 1475-1487.
  60. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, R. Gianni, C. Timofte: Concentration and homogenization in electrical conduction in heterogeneous media involving the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, (3) 59:99 (2020).
  61. M. Amar, G. Riey: Homogenization of singular elliptic systems with nonlinear conditions on the interfaces. J. Elliptic Parabol. Equ., Vol.  (2) 6 (2020), pp. 633-654. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41808-020-00075-9.
  62. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, R. Gianni, C. Timofte: Well-posedness of two pseudo-parabolic problems for electrical conduction in heterogenous media. J. Math. Anal. Appl. (2) 493:124533 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124533, published online 2020.
  63. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Well-posedness for a modified bidomain model describing bioelectric activity in damaged heart tissues. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (2021) 18:208, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-021-01839-w.
  64. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Homogenization of a modified bidomain model involving imperfect transmission. Comm. Pure Appl. Anal. (5) 20 (2021), pp. 1755-1782, https://doi.org/10.3934/cpaa.2021040.
  65. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo: Diffusion in inhomogeneous media with periodic microstructures. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,  e202000070 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1002/zamm.20200007, (12)101 (2021).
  66. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Heat conduction in composite media involving imperfect contact and perfectly conductive inclusions. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. Online Version 2022, 1--25, doi:10.1002/mma.8453. Published in Issue: 2022, 45:11355--11379.
  67. M. Amar, J. Matias, M. Morandotti, E. Zappale: Periodic homogenization in the context of structured deformations. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2022) 73:173. doi:10.1007/s00033-022-01817-6.
  68. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Asymptotic analysis for non-local problems in composites with different imperfect contact conditions. Applicable Analysis, published online 2022, https://doi.org/10.1080/00036811.2022.2120867, (16) 102, pp. 4518--4547, 2023.
  69. M. Amar, D. Andreucci, C. Timofte: Interface potential in composites with general imperfect transmission conditions. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2023) 74(5), 200.
  70. M. Amar, A. Ayub, R. Gianni: Double layer concentration and homogenization for the heat diffusion in a composite material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, (1)12, pp. 19-45, 2024.
  71. M. Amar, A. Ayub, R. Gianni: Homogenization of composite media with non-standard transmission conditions. J. Math. Anal. Appl., (2)537 (2024), 128434.

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